Thursday, September 7, 2023

Hello There

It's my first time writing on this blog, since 2016 how's life of everyone ?... is the air still fresh ? is the sky still blue ? in which place are you living now ? I miss you... the best of me.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sea and sky

Sky and sea are seems like together. they meet in a sea line, having a sharp and deep feeling in togetherness. yet, they are separated in fact. Never have hands to hold, no warm talk, even only a pair eyes to see each other. they life in their own, with no destiny to meet. never, ever...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Never blame someone else for failed time in our live

sometimes we find ourselve in a bad time.. in an unfortune condition... besides.. We've never got that destiny before...
Sometimes we blame our environment... or people around us... but we forget to see deep insight in ourselve.. what happened with us?... what we did?...
Because,,,, sometimes the answer of our problem lies not far from ourselve. But... never blame ourselve too much, just make several corrections, and never let ourselve become the problem maker for our next destiny...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Love these stuffs :)

Love this gown :
and this bandana :
to be continued... ^___^
source :

Monday, December 16, 2013

Essential buildings for people's life

Medicine center as well as education center are needed for people life in a country. Besides those buildings, sport stadium and theater are also important to be built in country area. Responding to that statement, the government should allocate certain budget to establish the buildings. The following paragraphs are several supporting statements to strengthen the statement saying that both sectors, medicine-education and theatrical-sport, are equally essential.
Medical treatment, a basic need for people's life is an urgent side to be held. When people are quite healthy, they can do many productive things to do. If citizen in a country have good health condition, the country will reach good point in the world's view as a country which is successful in maintaining it's citizen's health. More over, good productivity of the citizen means good development index indirectly.
Further more, excellent education facilities like good buildings and services are also urgently required for people's improvement. The more quality and quantity of education facilities means the more human development index will be in a country.
On the other hand, art building such as theater and sport building like sport stadium are equally important for people's life, Entertainments as well as exercises are important for people especially for their physics and psychological need. Besides those need, doing positive art and exercise things together with friends as well as relatives will increase people's social value in society.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that it is important for government to build up not only medical center and education center, but also theater and sport stadium as well.

Children : Should learn how to compete or how to cooperate ?

Learning two opposite skill for children; competing or cooperating, are highly debatable. Especially for student or children growing time. Some people say that it is better for children to learn how to compete, but some other prefer to teach their children to cooperate in order to become productive citizens in future society. In my opinion, both competition and cooperation are equally important for children. I write down several reasons to strengthen my opinion above.
Knowing competition starting from the early young age is very essential for people's life. Children learn how to be tough when preparing for the examinations or when playing single sport like a marathon athlete. In the class, children have to fight to get good or excellent point among their children trough study hard by them selve. Besides that, they must do their best to win the sport competition that they follow. This character slowly will effect to the children's growing time until they get adult. For example, the adult children get any business in their future time. they must compete with other businessman to be more successful than others.
On the other hand, I knew children also need to be taught a cooperative value. Teacher can give this value to the children trough group assignment in studies. It will train children to develop as well as improve their skill in sharing job, sharing thinking, or learning how to hear others opinion. Of course, in the adult time, children will need this skill as a habit when they are working in a team.
To sum up, I pen down saying that it is clear that children should learn how to compete as well as cooperate in order to sharpen their skill to become more productive in their society for the future time.